Problems with Corel Paint Shop Pro X2

 Hi all. This is my first post having just joined today and I am in need of some assistance - I hope somebody out there can help me.

I recently bought a new desktop computer - Packard Bell iMedia 2414, 3G of RAM, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 processor running Vista Home Premium - it has a NVidia GeForce 7050/nForce 610i graphics chip.

I installed my legally purchased copy of Paint Shop Pro X2; however, every time I try to run it I get a blue screen and the computer restarts. Having checked the Corel support website, it sems to suggest a possible problem with NVidia graphics and mentions updating drivers. I downloaded and installed the very latest graphic drivers - but still the problem persists despite uninstalling/reinstalling PSP.

I use this brilliant program all the time and am devastated that it won't now work!

Please can someone help me find a solution to this frustrating problem?



  • For me, the problems seems to be your computer, especially your OS. Try to buy and use win XP. The Corel software has nothing to do with this problem.

  • Hi Stephen,

    I purchased Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 yesterday and incountered the same problems as you, Blue Screen and computer restart Sad. I also have the same new PC as you.

    24 hours later I have got it to work!!!! Party!!!

    I read on the internet that others were experiancing the same problem but that they could run Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 when the computer was in SAFE MODE. So, I restarted the compter in safe mode and hey presto it ran. Then I thought whats different in safe mode, screen resolution! So next I restarted the PC as normal and then changed the screen resolution from 1024 by 768 pixels to 800 x 600 pixels (as it is automatically in safe mode). I then opened Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 and it worked!!! I then closed it, changed the screen resolution back to my normal setting (1024 x 768) then opened Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 and it worked!!!

    I am now happy Big Smile, I hope it works for you.

  • I have a very similar problem. Last week I bought a Packard Bell iStart with a Dual Core E2160 processor and 2GB of RAM. The PC uses the same NVidia 610i graphics card.

    This week I bought PSP X2 editing software. When I try and run PSP X2, Vista crashes, goes to a blue screen and then gives options, one being running in 'safe' mode. In 'safe' mode PSP X2 works as it should, however the monitor resolution is on the default setting that is less than satisfactory.

    The advice from the Corel site suggested downloading the lastest driver from NVidia. This I've done, but it has not solved the problem.

    After I had loaded the PSP X2 software I installed some other 'old' pre-Vista/pre-XP photo editing software. This 'old' software works as it should, without causing any problems to Vista.

    PSP X2 works fine in 'safe' mode suggesting that there is nothing wrong with the programme installation. Comments from elsewhere suggest that PSP X2 does work with Vista. Therefore it appears that the problem seems to be Packard Bell computers using the above graphics card. My next step will be to load the PSP X2 onto a computer running Vista that does not have a NVidia graphics card.

    To date I've not found a solution and and more than a little hacked off to find that I have shelled out for a new computer and new software that, for the time being, do not seem to be compatible.
