I need advice !!!

I am not profesional user of CorelDraw but i know basics.these days i need to take photos of 2000 articles and make a catalog for one company. So i need good advice how to do that on easyes way. is there any template for catalog? what is easiest way to crop the image from background? and how to organize my self whit all these pictures?

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  • Been there, done that and no easy way around a lot of "background" work.
    Before you even start to click the shutter, you have to have your index made first. I don't know what it is you are photographing but let's say...a car.
    First you've got your "beauty" shots of the car, exterior and interior...make the consumer drool ! If you're doing something like a Chilton's Manual, you will have to create directories / divisions like Electrical, Mechanical, Body Parts, Suspension, etc along with the sub-directories like Electrical,>Ignition,>Lights>Interior>>Exterior,>Engine>Sensors>>Circuitry>>>Relays .....etc.
    Once you have the breakdown for the catalogue contents, assign a number to each separate catagory and a sub-number to each sub-division of that catagory ie 6 -04 (# 6 for Electrical and # 04 for Circutry). Put these numbers on small cards.
    When taking the photos of the parts include, in the image area, the card with the catagory #. Use a plain background that does not contain the same colour as the object you are photographing. This way you can use the colour mask to remove the background, leaving only the photographed object and the card reference number. The card will be erased from the image after you have completed the page pasting / setup. Store the images on your computer using the card catagory # as a folder name, with the sub-division card # photos stored within.
    Before that first picture is taken, you better have a method of cataloging the images ready. Once you've got the "catalogue" set up for the photos taking, run it by your client FIRST. He / She may have an idea for another directory / division necessary for the final catalogue.
    Taking the photos is the "easy" part. Keeping track of what you've got is the hard bit !
    Just how the images will be arranged...and the image size.... will depend on the order of importance to your client. There is no template for imagination and trying to perceive just what the client envisions is a task within itself. I'd suggest making copies (small) of all the shots and sit down with the client and move them around on a sheet of paper to help create an idea of the layout he / she wants.

    --<toni666> wrote in message news:25955@coreldraw.com...

    I am not profesional user of CorelDraw but i know basics.these days i need to take photos of 2000 articles and make a catalog for one company. So i need good advice how to do that on easyes way. is there any template for catalog? what is easiest way to crop the image from background? and how to organize my self whit all these pictures?



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