Results of last night's image-editing software poll.

I had the opportunity to speak to 46 photographers last night at the Minneapolis Photographic Society. As I often do when speaking, I take a show of hands poll to gauge the crowd's software leanings so that I can speak in the most common terms for the room.

Last night's results:


Elements: 6

PSP: 4 

Other: 1

When I asked the gentleman who was other what he used, he replied "Gimp" . I would have to say that this has been pretty representative of my finding among serious amatuers and professionals. I mentioned to the group that most of the images they were seeing during the presentation were prepared by PhotoPaint and asked if any had heard of it.  One person asked if it was the program Painter.  Pretty sobering but not surprising.

  •  Hi Rick,
     1.   Sad -- but true.
     2.   I still can not understand why that should be so.   I found PP9 to be superior to PS7, but Adobe has kept rising above Corel.   PS has a few features which are superior to PP, but not enought to justify the difference in  price.
    3.   Neither Adobe nor Corel put out huge advertising.  Yet Adobe has consitently pulled ahead. By now, the process may be irreversible.  Book stores carry shelves of books on Photoshop.  There are none on PhotoPaint. 
    4.   Do you know of any graphics editors which have a Lab mode other than PS or PP.  If Corel fails, that will leave only PS with a Lab mode.

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