Convert to Word

Hi guys I am new to the forum...I am in the process of converting a Corel Ventrua 10 document to word...I go and export the text...the text comes out fine...the problem being the document has math equations and none of those seem to export. I really need help on this one...can anyone answer it for me...tell me somthing I can do


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  • Gerri --

    The equations are done with a MathType add-in. And the same thing is true in Word. However, Ventura stores equations in a special format that is more efficient than an OLE object, where as Word uses OLE objects.

    So, what does that mean for your situation? Short answer is that if you were going from Word to Ventura, you could copy and paste the equation as an OLE object (not recommended, but it would work). But there is no real way to go from Ventura to Word. So, you'll have to recreate the equations in Word.