ventura and Windows 7

Has anyone gotten Ventura 8 to run on Windows 7 (Win 7 x64 Professional) reliably?

How about Ventura 10?

  • V10 -- yes. V8 -- only on a virtual XP machine running on a Win7 x64 system

    Here's the info on V10:

    Rikk Flohr put together the following information on installing V10 on a Vista 64-bit system with help from Barry Heil and Greg Aspa. [Many thanks to them for their persistence!]

    We used to have separate (slightly simpler) instructions for installation on Vista 32-bit systems. However, those instructions failed about 10% of the time, and these instructions seem to work consistently on all versions of Vista. And they work for Win7 as well.

    Ventura 10 Installation on Win 7/Vista Systems
    1. Insert V10 CD and navigate to the root folder on it.

    2. Right click on SETUP32.EXE on the CD and choose Properties.

    3. Set compatibility to XP and check the "Run as Administrator" box.

    4. Double click SETUP32.EXE to launch the installation and install normally.

    5. When installation is complete, copy \System32\Redist\MS\System\mfc42.dll from the CD to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\Ventura10\Programs\ folder.

    6. In the C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\Ventura10\Programs\ folder, right click on VENTURA.EXE and choose Properties.

    7. Set the compatibility to Win 2000 compatibility and save this option.

    8. Right click on VENTURA.EXE again and choose "Run as Administrator".

    9. Exit V10 after it has completely launched.

    10. Right click on VENTURA.EXE again and choose Properties.

    11. Turn off compatibility and save this option.

    12. V10 should now run normally.

    13. (optional) On Win7 systems with high-res displays, sometimes when moving/sizing dockers and frames, they appear to be way to the left of where they actually are. They are fine once the operation is complete, but it can be disconcerting. Also, Ventura dialog boxes may seem mis-sized. In either case, it you go to the compatibility options and check Disable display scaling on high DPI settings, it seems to help both these issues.

    This should work. I have tested it on two systems so far and got Ventura running on both. On one DBP was installed with Ventura and the other DBP was installed after Ventura. I have not tested fully Database Publisher yet. Have fun and good luck. Thanks to Barry Heil for the missing link.


    In Windows Vista/Win7, there is a problem when index entries are sorted. On Vista, Ventura apparently sees caps and smalls as different characters. So the following entries would sort correctly on Win XP/2K:

    But under Vista they sort as follows::


    Why? Near as we can tell, since uppercase letters have lower ANSI/Unicode values than lowercase letters, and on Vista/Win7, Ventura handles them as such. Whereas, on every other version of WIndows, uppercase and lowercase letters are sorted as if they are the same (even if they are considered separate entries).


    On Win7 64-bit machines, OpenType CFF format fonts (i.e., OTF extension) will display in V10, but will not print.


    1. Use a TrueType version (TTF) of the font.

    2. Install XP Mode (or another virtual machine software), then run V10 on the XP virtual machine for printing. XP Mode is included (complete with WinXP on Win7 Pro and Ultimate. You can download it from MS if you are using Win 7 Home Premium, but you'll have to supply your own copy of WinXP. I personally like the VMware route best if you've got a spare copy of WinXP -- even if you are running Pro or Ultimate -- because it supports higher resolution and color depth. There's a great primer on the VMware route here:

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