How to do "this" in CorelDraw?

Dear all Draw users:

I want to do someting like that in Corel Draw, and i want to know if its possible (i understand that Draw don't have by now this kinds of vector effects {maybe in the next update...}, but maybe thare is a trick how to do that).

This was created in Affinity Designer. the Text is "100% Transparent", and its applied to it an "Outher Shadow".

In Draw wen its "100% Transparent", and i aply a "drop Shadow", the backgrownd is gettting Black.

(Maybe its will be some replacement for the Blur effect {what is by now not available in Draw for Vector}, but not for What i want to do)


  • CorelDraw has no Object Knocks Out Shadow as in AD as far as I know. (Most applications have this on by default, including layout applications.)

    But it can be done, it is just a bit more manual. And because it is destructive you should keep a copy of the text off the page so if there are any edits to the text, you can drag a copy back onto the page and edit the text...and then redo the instructions.

    Right-click on the Drop Shadow Group in the Object Manager (or press ctrl+k).

    Both the text object and the drop shadow will be selected, but do make sure they still are in the Object Manager.

    On the context menu, there should be a row of button for object Shaping. Hover over them until you find Back Minus Front. Alternatively, go to the Object menu, Shaping, then choose the same command. Or, another alternative is to open the Shaping Docker and change the drop down to the Back Minus Front.

    You should end up like:

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