How to do "this" in CorelDraw?

Dear all Draw users:

I want to do someting like that in Corel Draw, and i want to know if its possible (i understand that Draw don't have by now this kinds of vector effects {maybe in the next update...}, but maybe thare is a trick how to do that).

This was created in Affinity Designer. the Text is "100% Transparent", and its applied to it an "Outher Shadow".

In Draw wen its "100% Transparent", and i aply a "drop Shadow", the backgrownd is gettting Black.

(Maybe its will be some replacement for the Blur effect {what is by now not available in Draw for Vector}, but not for What i want to do)


Parents Reply
  • All programs have their strengths and weaknesses

    No, the Effect limitatation in Corel Draw is not only a "weaknesses". this is much much more.

    Sir, i am a Illustrator and Designer user, and now i am a Draw user, becouse i want to test it out, and i found it realy good in many ways. But Sory, in Effects is Draw very very Backdated, of course you can bring me tutorials how to do "everyting" in Draw (when i play around with the Power Clip tool and Drop Shadow... or by converting my vectors to bitmap) but this is not a solution for a program like Corel Draw in 2018-2019, we all need One Step and Time Saving solutions. ALL programs are 10,000 times better in this feuters, its not only "strengths".

    Draw needs immediately more productive vector effects!

    And please support my request, you will also enjoy to found this effects in Draw in just one step... (You all guys really wants that Corel Draw should stay behind??!!)

    I just hope that the Corel developers are seeing this posts.
