Background saving forgets editing


can please somebody confirm this effect in Corel 2019.

a) Open and edit some Corel file that loads and saves slow (e.g. something with large and many bitmaps)

b) Save your file in the background. Corel Shows the save icon in the toolbar.

c) While Corel saves in the background continue editing (the save incon is shown in the toolbar). I just added some rectangles.

d) Corel completes background saving but the document status doesn't become "dirty". Corel doesn't know the document is changed - no asterix behind the filename - save menu grayed.

If you now close Corel it will not remind you to save your last edits. Everything you have edited while Coreldraw was saving will be forgotten.

Workaround: Edit something after Corel has finished saving in the background. This will make the file "dirty" and the Save option will be available again.

I think Corel has to set the document "dirty" after background saving if editing took place while saving.

What do you see and think?

  • I have been using CorelDRAW since version 3 and I have never used auto backup or background saving.  Like font embedding, it just never made sense that it could ever work 100%, I work and CTRL S and rub my eyes, drink some coffee and take a short break.  I then resume when the file is done saving. I cannot remember when I lost a CorelDRAW file or opened a CorelDRAW file that had lost my edits.

    There's a lot of crap said, I did not have sex with that woman, EPS will solve our problems, color management makes everything look on the display exactly as it will print.

    The computer is an moderately unstable machine, we have the brains. Computers change from day to day I suggest a work process that circumvents their shortcomings.

  • I have been using CorelDRAW since version 3 and I have never used auto backup or background saving.

    Although it makes me feel like a crotchety old man to write this - I, too, have never felt comfortable with autobackup or background saving. I'd rather do it deliberately.

    If I have a lot invested in something, then I (deliberately, not automagically) run a FreeFileSync batch job that creates time-stamped copies of any "work in progress" files. If something should really go off the rails - for whatever reason - then I could just go back in time to find a good one.

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