Anyone here using a plotter?

I just upgraded to Corel2022 from Version 7 and Ioline says my ancient but reliable 1993 Studio 7 knife-cutting plotter is no longer supported. Their equally ancient DOS plotter calibration utility won't run on my new nuc i7 with Windows11 which is not surprising. The problem is that the CoCut-11 I had been using to interface with Corel 7 is likewise no longer compatible and CoCut want to sell me their new 2022 version for $249 which seems like a lot for something that I feel should be dead simple by now. Are plotters really still so mysterious and 'fringe' that neither windows nor Corel can just see one and know how to communicate with it? 

If there's an easier solution I'd love to know it from end-users rather than rely on what snake-oil salesmen are pushing. 
To be clear, I do not need a sign-making program as Corel does all that just fine - I only need a way for Corel to send vector path info to a simple 24" desktop plotter. Maybe it's time to upgrade my plotter - are newer plotters any easier to connect?  
Thanks for any insights,