Hi ~ I am new to the CorelDRAW Forums but NOT new to Corel. I have been using CorelDRAW for 15 years or more and I really enjoy it most days. I have upgraded to the X5 suite and I have found an issue with the bar code maker insert tool. I make lots of packaging designs and I have used the bar code tool in Corel almost daily but I found that the tool is not work properly with the new software. I can not change the human readable font now, all I get are '[]' in place of digits. The software shows the drop down font selection function but is grayed out and not working. Is there a problem with my instillation or is it a BUG?
Hi Wendell,
I don't use the Barcode generator feature, but I just tested it on my system and it seems to be working fine in X5. I get the font drop-down list and I am able to change fonts and see the changes reflected in the preview of the barcode. Sounds like something is amiss with your installation. Maybe others who use this feature will chime in with some possibilities regarding your issue.
Do you have SP2 installed? If you go into Help>About CorelDraw you will see the version number and it should end in .661 if you have the up-to-date service pack.
Best regards,Brian.
Hi Brian,
Thank you for looking into this!
I looked and I have the current updated version '.661'. I have installed reciently CorelDraw on my new PC that uses Windows 7 (my old PC of 4 years was XP). The bars look OK but the numbers at the bottom are still the '[]'. The Bar Code Wizard works fine up until the last panel that list all the human readable font options and I can only adjust a small hand full of them. It seems as if the ability to adjust them has been turned 'off' some how.... Not sure what to here. I have to be able to make bar codes for my work.
I have sort of fixed the problem. I still cant adjust the font BUT I now get the human readable numbers under the bars. I reinstalled the font 'OCR-b__.ttf' from the Corel X5 disk. I had the font copied from a flash drive along with all the other fonts that I had on the old PC. I guess the older font version would not work properly with the new bar code wizard in Corel X5.
Not all Barcodes has the option to change the font. It's known but not documented so that an average user will know.
What you can do is copy the created barcode and paste as special.
You'll just have to ungroup the newly pasted barcode and change the font, size, color, etc.
To paste as special: Edit > Paste Special > Metafile
I allways pasting as special. It is more flexible and editable too.
I really need help here. It is always showing the font selection disabled. Can't select font and size. Please help.
anil0067 said: I really need help here. It is always showing the font selection disabled. Can't select font and size. Please help.
seems that you don't have the fonts installed correctly on your computer, try to install the OCR-B fonts and try again.
btw, there's a fast and simple workaround: just COPY (Ctrl+C) or CROP (Ctrl+X) and go to Edit / Paste special, and choose "Metafile". You will have a group of objects (like older versions) and can ungroup, change the font, the color or what you need