curve issues, new user.

Hi Guys I'm trying to learn this program and am having a nightmare of a time. I'm a avid cad user so corel is a bit new to me. I've bought the official guide and have been working though it. But have decided to get some hands on, trying to make some of my own stuff. 

The hardest thing for me to grasp in corel is once I edit the heck out of my shapes, I cannot get a fill to work. I try to combine the curves or weld the curves but nothing works. If I go to the curve properties docker it says my curve is open but if I close it it totally jacks it up(see middle pic). I can create boundry object that works fine( right image) but how do I fix my original object so that it works. In a cad program I would normally trim all the curve endpoints and I'd be set. But in this I let the endpoints snap to each other and use the combine or weld command and they don't seem to work. THis is from a much larger image but I cannot get this even to work. The left image is the original. What tricks am I missing. There has to be something I just haven't grasped yet.


Thanks in advance( these are shapes I have made from scratch mind you that have been trimmed and stretched and so on).


I've also had issues on the larger version of this drawing where I cannot select a object it would always select the larger object outside of the one I was trying to select. Any ideas why it wouldn't let me select something?

Thanks again

  • Hi Suade, do you mind to attached your cdr file?

    That would help to understand the issue more quickly.

    • Hi Guys thanks for the help. I never seem to have issues with single curve segments it's always when I have multiple curves. I'm including a very basic file not my original to show my example. I'm at work right now and this was not made on x5 but corel 10. What I have here is 2 curves that were drawn completely seperate from each other then I dragged the endpoints to snap to each other to close the curve. If I try and fill it using the left mouse click on a color I get nothing. In the curve properties it says it's open but I don't see how, the endpoints of the curve snapped to each end. If I use the close function I get the image on the left. Please help me see the light and see what I am missing with this program. I'm not sure how to attatch my file so here is my dropbox link.

      I'm sure this is one of the most basic features in the program but I can't seem to get my cad warped brain around the concept.

      Thanks again.


      • First thing I see with your file is that you have 3 areas of open curves....look at the attached jpg.

        What I do is have my Shape Tool selected and click on the curve. You will see right away all of the areas with "arrow heads" or open nodes.

          • suade907 said:
            I never seem to have issues with single curve segments it's always when I have multiple curves. I'm including a very basic file not my original to show my example. I'm at work right now and this was not made on x5 but corel 10. What I have here is 2 curves that were drawn completely seperate from each other then I dragged the endpoints to snap to each other to close the curve. If I try and fill it using the left mouse click on a color I get nothing


            Select your 3 multiples curve segments and go to Arrange Combine. Now when you use the Shape Tool the nodes will snap together.


            • Thanks John, I'm gonna have to look at this at home on my X5 machine because I've tried combine on this corel 10 machine and it still doesn't fill. It's also funny that you show 3 open endpoints when the entire thing is only made of 2 curves.


              I'll upload my original artwork for you guys to look at and see if you guys can get it to fill tonight.


              Thanks for all the help.

              • suade907 said:
                I've tried combine on this corel 10 machine and it still doesn't fill

                suade907 said:
                Thanks for all the help.


                My pleasure.

                Open up you Object Manager too. Select the object an it will show you what ya got.

                Be it a single curve shape that has a closed path and it should fill. If it is a single curve shape you can also select the Shape Tool and use the Auto-Close Curve button. It's on the shape tool's property bar.


            • Suade

              CorelDRAW does not fill open curves. Any open curves does not close by combining it. When you start creating a curve you will notice a arrow heads (X4 and above) which shows you the direction of the curve. If you have a start node and an end node visible, it means that your curve is open. You can close the curve by just dragging the end node over the start node or vis-a-vis. Notice the change in the cursor shape. Once the two nodes are over each other, release the mouse button and the curve will close automatically. Alternatively you can use the 'join nodes' button to join the two nodes (strart and end node).see the video.