Bevel Effect

Hi All,

Love Corel, but only know the basics I guess.

I have used a bevel effect on a company name for a banner (3m x 1m). When I publish it to .pdf the bevel effect is extremely pixilated. I have made the bitmaps (in .pdf settings) 600dpi to try and help, but this does nothing.

I can only use .pdf on our printer RIP....


please help!


Thanks in advance.

  • Options > Document > Page Size (or double click the page frame), there's a setting called Rendering Resolution.
    Bevels will be rendered, and so will transparencies and drop shadows, at the resolution specified here.
    You can also convert effects and other things that may cause problems to a bitmap (flatten) before sending to the RIP.
    Just don't forget to save a copy (on a separate page perhaps) before you flatten, in case you need to go back and edit.

    For a banner that size, I guess around 100 dpi will be good enough (maybe even lower) but check that setting and come back to us.

    Another thing: See if your RIP will accept Acrobat level 5.0 (version 1.4) or higher. These versions support some effects better (shouldn't be any difference with bevel though).

    I use RasterLink myself and publish to PDF Acrobat 6.0, even though I don't think RasterLink officially supports it..

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