Diffrences in color interpretting between stock X3 and stock X5


Hello, that's my first post. This forum seems to have a

lot of experienced people, and I am really in need here.

I work on Mutoh Falcon II in which I use Pantone solid

Coated pallete (from X3). I made 2 printings with this

pallete, and done it with two diffrent printer profiles.

Now when I got 2 pallets on textile, I can easily look

how will every color from pallete look like after job. So

I can very precise make my projects, and the clients are

used to my colors. Unfortunatly, during last 3 years,

many things have changes, and also I am getting more and

more new files, which X3 can't properly manage, open and

import. Also it can't use full potential of my machine,

so I decided to move on to X5. Now after moving I am

shocked about how diffrently it treats all graphhic. It

don't have same pallete of Pantone C. Every Pantone has

slightly / significant diffrence in separative colors, so

my old Pantone 185, or 485 now on my printer looks

compleatly diffrent! This cannot be happening. I lost 50m

of fabric becuase EuropeUnion flags were printet in

diffrent blue color.... Now I tried to help myslef, but I

have poor knowledge about colors profile. During my

little investigation, I saw that there is a way to get my

old pantone. I have imported my old pallete, which is in

cpl file. I can open it via X5 pallete editor. Than I

need to thick little box which says "Treat as separation

colors" - than the name of for example Pantone 485C goes

away, but it's place is took by CMYK parameters, which

are correct with old CMYK parameters in Corel X3. But by

doing this there are two problems. First and worst is

that it would take me years to change by my hand all

those pantone colors. Second, also very annoying is that

after doing so - Corel X5 stops to find colors which I

want when I type their name. It used to be that I was

clicking on object, on it's color twice, than little

window was poping, I clicked there

(Colors/Models/Pallets) Pallets, and there was my normal

Pantone(R) solid coated. Than I just type 4... and 485C

was already shown. Than just Enter and done. Color set.

Now after changing the pallet to separative colors, I am

loosing "names" and getting just CMYK color name. To be

precise, in Corel X3 it looks like this :

And this is in X5:


, so please tell me WHY!? :) Who made

such great fail. I'd love to have my old colors in new

version, because it is so much faster in opening and

working on files. But color diffrences are not

accaptable. And this is why I spent more than 700$, and

now still I'm using old soft. Please help me out.

Maybe this will help You understand something more, pictures of settings in X3 and 5.



No Data
  • A short answer: you must use a different color profile to have good results. That's all. You do't nned to find old libraries, replace palette or nothing. The "old palettes" has changed because Pantone company change values, but you can use the last color settings with the appropriate color profile without problem, 

    As far I see, on X3 you don't have a calibrate color profile. Almost all is "generic", and that means that you never calibrate it. Perhaps it works fine, but you don't know what's your real color profile.For example, if you're using Perceptual rendering, CMYK ICC Coated Fogra 27 o Fogra 39, etc. On X5 you have several values that I don't know why you are using, such as Grayscale with Dot Gain according to Gamma 2.2.Also, you're using RGB color profile, and output as CMYK, so I believe you must use CMYK instead

    If you change the last option (Spot color definition) fromLab to CMYK, you wil have better values when change Pantone to CMYK
