
3 months ago asked, I wondered why, and I have found no solution. After working many hours labeling street names on a map  all my text appears to have lost dpi. Can anyone help? 

  • Likely, each time you export, import, export, import your losing a bit of quality.  This is like a photo copier.  If you make a copy of a page, use that to make a copy, use that copy to make a copy ect..  After a few rounds, your going to lose quality.  Its the nature of raster.  Do it enough and the final copy won't ever be recognizable.  Ideally, using a raster format that was loseless, this shouldn't happen.  But if your working with any compression, it is going to happen, such as jpg.  Plus it is hard to say what else is happening switching between programs.

    You probably should stick to one program to do all your changes, thus avoiding the degradation.  If you can't for some reason, try to do all your changes at once and not in a back and forth manner.

    If you make all your art as vector from the beginning, this will never happen.

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