PhotoShop filters in PhotoPaint

Hi all

Just for fun I decided to see if I could get the filters from PS CS2 to work with PhotoPaint X3.
After setting the filter path in Options, the filters appeared in the Effects menu in PP. Good.
As expected though, it wasn't that simple. When trying an effect, all I get is the transparency
grid in the preview and if I apply an effect it just makes the image/object all black.
I think I've read somewhere about using these filters, but can't find anything right now.


No Data
  • Plugin exist in two varieties. The first is the older format which Adobe used prior to PhotoShop Version 7.0 (Someone may correct me on that) Those plugins are widely compatable and work in a variety of programs including Photo-Paint and PaintShopPro. With the release of CS, Adobe changed their standard for plugin architecture to a proprietary schema.

    Some plugin developers still develop to the old standard which was more of an open-source flavor. These are backwards compatible with current versions of Corel bitmap editors and current versions of PhotoShop.

    The stock CS2 filters shipped with Photoshop are not cross compatible with other paint programs.

     Foster Coburn has written about this a couple of times at his website. You might buzz over there and read what he said because he has all the particulars.

