Unable to access printer driver.

Dear Helpers,

I tried to print on my CD printer, but get the following message: Unable to access printer driver. Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver. After I press OK on that box I get another box with the following message: The printer is currently unavailable. The printer and/or server my be offline. If this is not the case, it may be necessary to reinstall the printer.

I've reinstalled the CD printer as a copy, but this doesn't solve the problem. My HP printer and labeller work - they are connected to USB plugs.

Can someone help me please.

  • Fluga said:
    they are connected to USB plugs.

    In a later post you say that it says LPT1. THAT is not a USB. That is a parallel port. You need to configure the driver to operate off of a USB port. I just looked at one of my USB printers and it says the port is USB003. THe number is unimportant but you need to see what USB port you have available and configure the printer to use it.

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