Need transparent background around bitmap graphic

I've been struggling with directions I found somewhere around, but it's still not happening. I really need someone to walk me through this, if possible.

I have a JPG with a graphic over a white background. I converted to GIF using Corel PHOTOPAINT. In the GIF Export window, hitting the background with the eyedropper tool is supposed to make anything that color transparent. Things appeared to be working when I clicked the Preview button. But....

Whenever I try to put this new GIF on top of another bitmap, I still have the white rectangle background. I tried I converting the secondary background image to GIF, but I still have the original white box around the first image.


  • Hi SumDood,

    Assuming you opened a jpg, Exported to a GIF with white set as the selected colour and the option activated to make the selected colour transparent.....then I think you have actually done it right and don't realise it!! When you finish exporting the GIF file you need to close the file which is still open in Photo-Paint, this is still the original jpg and not the GIF you just created. Then open the GIF and you should find it has the transparency you set.

    I am guessing you are still looking at the jpg and don't realise it. When you close the jpg and it asks if you wish to save changes, select No.

    Best regards,


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