Clipboard manager with .cdr support

Hi All.

         Does anyone know of a simple clipboard manager that supports .cdr objects. I've just been playing around with Ditto, but can't get it to support CorelDraw.
Just want to be able to store multiple object/s on the clipboard  without them being converted to a bitmap. Possible with text and bitmaps but is it possible with CorelDraw objects.




Parents Reply
  • If you’re still happy to post the UserForm code I would be grateful.

    OK, here's a .ZIP archive that includes two plain text files. One is the code from my main module; the other is the code from the UserForm. It also include a .PDF file showing the naming of the controls on the UserForm.

    JQ Save Selection as Copy (code).zip

    In order to use the FileSystemObject stuff, Microsoft Scripting Runtime has to be referenced. I get using Tools>References in the VBA editor:

    As discussed earlier in the thread, where I have used "SaveAsCopy", I think you will need to use "SaveAs". That's what I observed in X3.
