Clipboard manager with .cdr support

Hi All.

         Does anyone know of a simple clipboard manager that supports .cdr objects. I've just been playing around with Ditto, but can't get it to support CorelDraw.
Just want to be able to store multiple object/s on the clipboard  without them being converted to a bitmap. Possible with text and bitmaps but is it possible with CorelDraw objects.




Parents Reply
  • When I looked at your .GMS file, I did not see my code there for initializing and terminating the userform. That would cause problems! When I tried it in X3, I just copied and pasted the entire text for the userform code.

    When I pasted as per your code the UserForm would not initialize. The changes I made solved this. I assumed this was just a version issue.  I can only assume I have erred somewhere else when naming.

    I'll give your .gms ago and see if this is a version issue, or something I'm failing to input correctly.

    Thanks again.

