When I break text apart with cntrl+k I want to join it so that I can edit it if I want. Is there any option other than combine to do that. I tried combine but combine also shifts the position of some words and it becomes difficult to realign them.
After breaking apart and combining, press Ctrl+Z and combine again. For some reason that fixes the words position.
CorelDRAW combines the words according to the sequence of selecting them. So select the first word first then the second…
When you break words apart, first word comes first at the bottom in the stacking order (see the Object Manager). On top of it the second… and finally the last at the top.
When you marquee select these broken apart words, CorelDRAW selects them from top (last) to bottom (first) in the stacking order. So they will be reversed when combined.
But when you Undo, CorelDRAW re-selects them from bottom to top. So they will be in the right order given that leunam12 haven't changed their order manually between the breaking and the combining.
Yes, you are right, is only a problem with order and re-order of elements
Surviving Ariel's experimental tests, the hypothesis is verified and Ahmad's hypothesis becomes the Ahmad's Scientific Theory =)
I wrote a macro to test this and I have seen mixed results, sometimes the order of selection is inverted, sometimes it remains the same. Strange! I'm gonna keep testing it.
Ok, here is the macro and how to test it.
****macro***(don't copy this line)
Sub testOrderOfSelection()Dim sh As ShapeRangeSet sh = ActiveSelectionRangeMsgBox sh(1).Text.StoryEnd Sub
****end of macro****(don't copy this line)
how to test it:
1-type the phrase "first last" (no quotation marks just the two words separated by a space)
2-Break apart and marquee select both words
3-Run the macro (the message box should say "first")
4-Combine and then Undo
5-Run the macro (the message box now should say "last")
Interesting, it seems to work all the time with text but with objects sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Thanks guys. Thanks for your reply.
I have visual studio installed on my machine but when I try to run the script that Neuman has given it sayd that VBA is not installed. Does VBA come with Visual studio?