In VBA how to determine if shape have some reference?

Need help to solve that thing...

1. I take ByRef s As Shape in one of my functions. The shape contain some curves that need to be extracted one by one. So...

2. I extracting curves trough my another function, sience corel vba shape.Extract(OldReference) function is not properly documented and not working good, my function is:

Function ExtractSubpath(ByRef FromShape As Shape, ByVal Index As Long) As Shape
' return extracted subpath as separate shape and delete it in original shape
' and leave referencies for original shape
Set ExtractSubpath = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(FromShape.Curve.SubPaths(Index).GetCopy)
With ExtractSubpath
.OutLine.CopyAssign FromShape.OutLine
.Fill.CopyAssign FromShape.Fill
End With
End Function

3. My ExtractSubpath function is working fine, but when last subpath is deleted - the shape s lost all referencies. My question is:

How to determine if shape s have some reference?

For example I've tried to check in such ways "If s.Curve.SubPaths>0 Then <do somthing>..." and "If Not s Is Nothing Then <do somthing>..." , but there an error... below is what hapens in watch before attemting to check s:

Watch :   :    s.Curve.SubPaths : <The referenced object no longer exists in this document.> : Integer : agWeb.BevelCurve

Thanks... Hope my english is good enough to understand me.

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  • At the moment i've solved my trouble by checking, if extracted subpath was last one. Then assign for FromShape = Nothing. But, still remain courious about my question. And below is how my function is looking now:

    Function ExtractSubpath(ByRef FromShape As Shape, ByVal Index As Long) As Shape
    ' return extracted subpath as separate shape and delete it in original shape
    ' and leave referencies for original shape
      Dim cnt As Long
      cnt = FromShape.Curve.SubPaths.count
      Set ExtractSubpath = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(FromShape.Curve.SubPaths(Index).GetCopy)
      ExtractSubpath.OutLine.CopyAssign FromShape.OutLine
      ExtractSubpath.Fill.CopyAssign FromShape.Fill
      If cnt = 1 Then Set FromShape = Nothing
    End Function

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