Best way to use CorelDRAW graphics in Microsoft Word

Dear Forum members,

This question has already been asked a couple of times on the forum, although in slightly different forms, so I thought it'd be the best to open it as a new topic. I hope you don't mind.

I would be interested which is the best way to import graphics created in CorelDRAW into Miocrosoft Word? I have tried a couple of methods but none of them seem to provide the results I'm seeking. These include:

- Export to a raster image (e.g. PNG) from Draw and import it to Word: this is OK, but the graphics lose their nice sharp edges and the anti-alising produces somewhat blurry results, so it's not very professional-looking.

- Export to EMF from DRAW and import it to Word: this produces sharp vector-like edges, but especially for more complex graphics, the result does not match the original design, so this method is not OK.

- Create a CorelDRAW object in Word: again, the results here are nice, but the CorelDRAW instance that is opened within Word when using this function is slowish and unstable. Moreover, when I try to edit the object by double-clicking it in Word I get an error message that CorelDRAW is not installed on my machine (though it certainly is) and thus the object cannot be re-opened for editing.

Am I missing something obvious here? Which is the best way to import CorelDRAW graphics into Word and get professional-looking results? Which way do you usually go?

I use CorelDRAW X3, MS Word 2013 and Windows 10 but I think this question applies to any other version of these programs just as well.

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

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  • First question would be why would you need to use MS Word if you're designing in Corel? The term for MS Word is "insert" not "import". Eps or cgm works best if your graphic is ALL vector. If your graphic has any fountain fills then don't use eps.
    Jpg, png, or tif for all raster images.
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