Default Colour Pallete.

The flyout from my default colour pallette doesn't seem to do anything when I select another shade.

I used this in CD 3 without problem, and would like to know whether there is another button to press to select a shade, or my program is faulty. (see first image)

Also I saved the "Document pallette' from the Larger Job to a XML file on the Desktop, but when I go to open it nothing happens. (see second image)

Tha  nks in advance.


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  • The flyout doesn't apply a color to the palette. You should select a vector object and apply the color. if you have the option of automaticalle add color to the Document palette, it will be added, otherwise you should drag the object to the document palette for add it
    It doesn't work for bitmaps, although you have the option for add the colors of the bitmap to the document palette, but you only can use the document palette to monochrome bitmaps