CorelDRAW Upgrades are Ending!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!

Got an email to purchase 2019 upgrade and it's also stating upgrades are ending???  Is it going the dreaded "subscription" (rent, never own) model?!

After reading the many bugs and problems with 2019, very reluctant to move on to that one.  I'd hate to purchase that 2019 upgrade and they leave it to die and NEVER fix it, but force me to SUBSCRIPTION after they take my money.

CorelDRAW Upgrades are Ending!

Now is your last chance to upgrade to CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Later this year, upgrades will no longer be available.

Parents Reply
  • Sensitive?

    Yes, of course! If I simply limited myself to commenting and criticizing from the comfort of my home, I might deserve that you treat me as "dumb" or "ignorant." But not only do I work daily and try to report every mistake I find, but I dedicate a lot of my time to helping other users, not only in this forum, but in other forums, facebook groups, and personally. I'm not a genius (I wish I was!) but many times I can find a solution because I've seen it before. Without a doubt I am very ignorant of many things, but I try to learn something new every day. If I earned money for defending Corel or charged a salary as an employee of the company, perhaps you might think that my participation is for personal or economic interest. But no, I have been participating in this forum for more than 15 years (previously in the newsgroups) and in others. You have no right to say that I or other people are fools or ignorant, because you would not like someone to say the same to you. Respect others if you want to be respected.

    If you asked me what I think (something you have never done), I do not agree with the new update system. Maybe the new owners will change the decision made by the previous owners. Corel is not moving to a subscription model, as some claim. But it is also not logical to update to the latest version, from versions of 20 years ago. The "upgrade protection" is a good way to be updated at a low annual price. But they could offer a third option, which owns a previous version that can be updated with a lower price, perhaps only from the last three or four versions (if you put a limit, you exclude someone ...)

  • Ok, here is my deal with you which isn't a problem of you but a problem of the FRUSTRATION I (and MANY HERE) are having with CorelDRAW 2019 (2 updates later) currently and the INCESSANT CRASHING OR DISAPPEARING.  You obviously come off as a SUPER POSITIVE person even through these mind-numbing problems a lot of us are indeniably having with v2019... especially when we have earlier versions that work just fine on the same machines???  So I "personally" feel that any REAL problems I or others have gets "counteracted" by replies that it is working just fine except for some bugs... but I totally consider random disappearing acts of v2019 more than a BUG, but a HUGE PROBLEM with even (2) updates later and the year is getting late.

    I am also a VERY LONG TIME USER of CorelDraw also since day 1.  Yes, there have been many versions that were garbage etc, but we depend on CorelDraw in a day to day BUSINESS MANNER.  So when the software just goes *poof*!  randomly, you can only imagine the ANGER involved.

    As you've read before, we have seats with mostly X7 and some gradually moving to 2017 (which is proving itself quite well) we have also purchased upgrades in the past.  We have purchased even more 2019 licenses now due to last chance to upgrade and what others and I feel is not fair, but not rehashing that. I do get it.

    Now...  I am NOT calling you ignorant or stupid or whatever... either way, if you felt that so, I apologize.

    I am also a long time user of the FORUM (going back to the NEWSGROUP days also).  I just do not frequent here for years as other earlier CorelDraw versions have been pretty good and served us well.  Now remember, people "typically" come to forums looking for help, or to b*tch and complain when problems with the software arise in hopes Corel hears them and FIXES it as fast as possible since this is PROFESSIONAL software.

    Either way, we all have "our" opinions, but I sincerely apologize to you.  I am not looking for any sort of acknowledgment or doing this for any other reason, but to apologize if you felt targeted for whatever reason.

  • but I dedicate a lot of my time to helping other users

    I agree wit Arial, i see that he helps a lot of people here on the forums.but my opinion is still that corel is on the way down the hill until they will do some drastic changes and stable updates to the corel draw program and to the way they handle the costumers.