CorelDRAW Upgrades are Ending!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!

Got an email to purchase 2019 upgrade and it's also stating upgrades are ending???  Is it going the dreaded "subscription" (rent, never own) model?!

After reading the many bugs and problems with 2019, very reluctant to move on to that one.  I'd hate to purchase that 2019 upgrade and they leave it to die and NEVER fix it, but force me to SUBSCRIPTION after they take my money.

CorelDRAW Upgrades are Ending!

Now is your last chance to upgrade to CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Later this year, upgrades will no longer be available.

  • Honestly, being a loyal CorelDraw user since the very beginning, this really seems VERY WRONG what Corel is doing.

    I feel like I am in this BIG RUSH BEFORE DECEMBER 1st, to purchase a bunch of upgrades from my current versions to this VERY BAD VERSION OF 2019?  The typical USA UPGRADE PRICE is $199 EACH (or catch their sales: $179, $169, $159, $149, and $139!), then on top of that, $99 Upgrade Protection?

    $298 TOTAL plus tax EACH for this so called LAST SCRAMBLE TO UPGRADE OR ELSE!  The OR ELSE is pay FULL PRICE $499 if you do not by December 1 2019?!

    I guess I wouldn't mind so much if the v2019 (even with latest fixes) worked like it should!  But it doesn't! (Corel DROPPED THE BALL with v2019 and it's crap Mac version and this so-called CRAP).  If it wasn't totally BROKE, DON'T FIX IT to BREAK IT EVEN MORE?!

    But they are protected by their EULA which you HAVE TO AGREE TO in order to use what you bought.

    In order NOT to have to pay full $499 (each!) after the deadline, you MUST AND HAVE TO PURCHASE their "LEMON" v2019 NOW BEFORE DECEMBER 1 2019!!  That is just NOT RIGHT!

    You're basically paying more ahead of time, in order to get hopefully a working version of v2020 at a more reasonable price compared to $499?  I cannot risk using v2019.

    So It looks like we have to purchase v2019, PLUS Upgrade Protection, (and NOT install it or use it since it's CRAP) in order to get v2020 next year for $298 each ($199 upgrade + $99 Upgrade Protection) versus FULL $499!!!!!  And HOPE that it works?!?!?!?!


  • So It looks like we have to purchase v2019, PLUS Upgrade Protection

    Nobody force you to upgrade. It's all about your business. 

    in order to get v2020 next year for $298 each ($199 upgrade + $99 Upgrade Protection) versus FULL $499!!!!! 

    it seems you are unhappy to pay less...  

    With the previous system, if you buy the program you would now pay $ 499 (according to you, since the international price is much higher, $ 669), the following year 250 (usually the update is half the price), and the next 250 others That is, $ 1000 in three years. With the new system, he would pay 499 + 99 + 99 + 99, $ 800 in three years.

    If you already had the program, with the previous system you would pay 250 this year (the international price is $ 669 and $ 329, without taking into account special offers), 250 the next year and 250 the next, 750 in three years. With the new system you would pay $ 250 + 99 this year, 99 next year and 99 the next year, $ 550 instead of $ 750. Use it or not, you will have saved money (2/3 of the total price).

    Of course, if you do not like the program or do not need it, even if it costs $ 50 it will be very expensive, an unnecessary expense. Naturally, I'm not as stupid as you should believe. Obviously your plan consists of something like "I update every several years." For example, if you bought the program last year or the previous year, you may not want to update this year. And if the current version has errors or does not have enough advantages for you, it is logical that you want to skip one or more versions. From the user's point of view, it is logical. Maybe this year I can't spend that money, and I postpone it for the following year. Or I am simply satisfied with the 2017/2018 version or whatever.

  • It really is a shame.  But thing is, all this "customer not 1st thing anymore" really started several years back when the SUBSCRIPTION MODEL took over for all these software companies.  i.e. Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, etc.  It's guaranteed monthly income for them until the client is unhappy, forget they had the bill and weren;t using it, or HAS TO HAVE IT (subscription) enabled to open their files (i.e. Adobe CC, that's a whol nether sham).

    But, yes, the first time I got that initial email from Corel about ENDING UPGRADES... was NOT a good feeling.  And I am sure I am NOT the only one who feels this way.  You can thank this new company buyout for that and these fools that think that was a good thing are just ignorant.  : /

  • You can thank this new company buyout for that and these fools that think that was a good thing are just ignorant

    You keep insulting people. Some of us try to find solutions and help those who have problems. Everyone has different attitudes to problems.

  • Sensitive?

    Yes, of course! If I simply limited myself to commenting and criticizing from the comfort of my home, I might deserve that you treat me as "dumb" or "ignorant." But not only do I work daily and try to report every mistake I find, but I dedicate a lot of my time to helping other users, not only in this forum, but in other forums, facebook groups, and personally. I'm not a genius (I wish I was!) but many times I can find a solution because I've seen it before. Without a doubt I am very ignorant of many things, but I try to learn something new every day. If I earned money for defending Corel or charged a salary as an employee of the company, perhaps you might think that my participation is for personal or economic interest. But no, I have been participating in this forum for more than 15 years (previously in the newsgroups) and in others. You have no right to say that I or other people are fools or ignorant, because you would not like someone to say the same to you. Respect others if you want to be respected.

    If you asked me what I think (something you have never done), I do not agree with the new update system. Maybe the new owners will change the decision made by the previous owners. Corel is not moving to a subscription model, as some claim. But it is also not logical to update to the latest version, from versions of 20 years ago. The "upgrade protection" is a good way to be updated at a low annual price. But they could offer a third option, which owns a previous version that can be updated with a lower price, perhaps only from the last three or four versions (if you put a limit, you exclude someone ...)

  • Ok, here is my deal with you which isn't a problem of you but a problem of the FRUSTRATION I (and MANY HERE) are having with CorelDRAW 2019 (2 updates later) currently and the INCESSANT CRASHING OR DISAPPEARING.  You obviously come off as a SUPER POSITIVE person even through these mind-numbing problems a lot of us are indeniably having with v2019... especially when we have earlier versions that work just fine on the same machines???  So I "personally" feel that any REAL problems I or others have gets "counteracted" by replies that it is working just fine except for some bugs... but I totally consider random disappearing acts of v2019 more than a BUG, but a HUGE PROBLEM with even (2) updates later and the year is getting late.

    I am also a VERY LONG TIME USER of CorelDraw also since day 1.  Yes, there have been many versions that were garbage etc, but we depend on CorelDraw in a day to day BUSINESS MANNER.  So when the software just goes *poof*!  randomly, you can only imagine the ANGER involved.

    As you've read before, we have seats with mostly X7 and some gradually moving to 2017 (which is proving itself quite well) we have also purchased upgrades in the past.  We have purchased even more 2019 licenses now due to last chance to upgrade and what others and I feel is not fair, but not rehashing that. I do get it.

    Now...  I am NOT calling you ignorant or stupid or whatever... either way, if you felt that so, I apologize.

    I am also a long time user of the FORUM (going back to the NEWSGROUP days also).  I just do not frequent here for years as other earlier CorelDraw versions have been pretty good and served us well.  Now remember, people "typically" come to forums looking for help, or to b*tch and complain when problems with the software arise in hopes Corel hears them and FIXES it as fast as possible since this is PROFESSIONAL software.

    Either way, we all have "our" opinions, but I sincerely apologize to you.  I am not looking for any sort of acknowledgment or doing this for any other reason, but to apologize if you felt targeted for whatever reason.

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