Slow Response

Is the Coreldraw for Mac always this slow? Are there any settings I can change to help with this? Just clicking on anything in my page or the layers, there's a persistent lag. Every. Single. Time. Sorry for being dramatic, but this is horrible to deal with all day long. I have a iMac, OS Catalina, Corel Draw 22. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks

  • Have you maybe checked your RAM usage?  Not sure if that may help to clear your ram?  I think the one I've been using is in the Clean My Mac software where it gives you the ability to manually clear RAM (I'm guessing there are other ways to do it as well).  I don't use it very often and haven't run in to any lag issues with the Mac version. One other thing you might look at is any other applications that might be running while you're using CorelDraw.  For some reason, if I have a Live Stream running in Chrome for Mac while I'm on a heavy or large layout in CorelDraw, I've run in to some lag and crashing issues.  Other than that I'm not really sure off the top of my head.  I'm running the 2021M1 MBP and have been full time with the Mac Version of CDraw for about 7-8 mos now.  Have had plenty of hiccups, but I can see how constant lag would be a beating to try to deal with.  Hope you're able to get it resolved.

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