Help me please. I am on my knees with worry. Corel 22 not installing.. please someone help me :(

21 expires tomorrow. Was being proactive bought 22 this morning. Went to install.. all done - super.

Went to open it and nothing.. nothing at all. Would not load, not open. Nothing.

Came in here, read xyz. Removed messages.. renamed messages.old. Deleted this, deleted that.. blah blah.. 

Went to reinstall and it's worse now. I can't even install it. 

I have an error message now.. I think I must of deleted something that I shouldn't of!!

HELP ME please.. I have a contract job that needs completion tonight and it's now 13.30 and I am so lost and honestly.. as a grown adult I can not believe i'm sitting here crying. It's unreal. 

Some one.. Anyone please help me. I am so done.. if i can't get this job completed.

PLEASE some one help

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