How do I untangle curves?

I am trying to make a vector version of a logo bitmap. I was successfully able to trace the bitmap outlines, but the letters on the two lines overlap and I need a way to separate them into two objects: Ridge and CHORUS. See

How can I do this?

  • With great difficulty, I used the knife tool to separate a segment of the O

    I had to use the knife tool twice to make parallel cuts and then delete the short segments between them. This seems harder than it should be.There are clear gaps on both ends of this segment. But, if I try to move it, it seems still attached to the  other parts of the conjoined letters. If I click on the separated segment, and choose split apart, it indeed can then move independently, but the remaining object gets totally munged.  

    • Don't think there is any easy "one step" solution to this.

      I think I would select all the corner nodes where you want to split an then use "Break curve" from Property Bar.
      Break the curve apart and then select the individual curves that should form one part of the object and join them back together ("Combine").
      Select the end nodes and join them ("Extend curve to close") and adjust the new segment to fit to the design.