If i use in a document from default cmyk palette a colour for example blak 0 C - 0 M - 0 Y - 100K and later I take the same black from the interactive fillig cmyk composition ..why the document palette find two black ??
The same "problem" whit all colour !!
I think that corel adds color egual from different palette !!
...If in a project I use hundreds of colors, the document palette results unusable!!
What do you think about ??
If you use the C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 color from the CMYK palette, the Document palette will shows only color box, no matter if you add the same color later. Same with all colors. But if you create a custom color with the same values, the program will treat it as a different color.
btw check if you have a new "color style" for each color you add, That cause a new color on the Document palette
1 - I drawing an object and I select blak from right default palette
2 - I drawing a second object and select a black with interactive fillig (not from personal palette)
I see two color !!!! ...same color !!
I used the eyedropper and measured the pixel values from the screen grab...the boxes show a different color of black.
I tried it here and I'm only getting one color in the doc palette, whether I use the pick tool or the interactive fill tool to select the color.