QR code problem

I downloaded 3 QR codes, they are png files. When I import them into CorelDraw or try to open them in PhotoPaint they are just a black squares. However, when I look at them with any photo viewing programs they are proper looking QR codes. Anyone have any idea what is going on? I have attached one of them.

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  • Same here...black blob on straight import of the original... so I messed around a bit and then did the Irfanview load and save and dump onto a CorelDRAW page and that basically worked.
    Was able to get the bitmap on the page and resize. It may even work saving in PP and then importing. In PP it stayed a black blob for me so I didn't even try a Save. Irfanview showed the png file correctly on first take so went from there.

    Didn't get into the CMYK vs monochrome bitmap thing too much. Lot of "noise artifacts" in the bitmap on Grayscale import.  

    Devil  the 'dd'



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