I am a huge newbi ! I am trying to reproduce a tachometer guage face from a photograph. and have been very successful. The problem I have run into i that the thin hash lines that are angled still have jagged edges.
I first took the photo and did the line path thing in Corel Photo Paint. I used the marker to blacken the background and did some other things to clean up picture. I then exported it to a vector thing in Corel Draw. I rebuilt the edges and shapes over many hours, including numbers from the text options. I have to say it really looks great except when I zoom it out to the approximate size I will need it, some of the angled lines get jaged. I exported the image to JPEG and the same thing. I tried the smoothing thing, I zoomed it up as far as it would go and cant get it clean. No Matter what I do, If I draw an angled line, it is jaged. Is there any help on this?
Much thanks.
Without seeing your image, but by reading your issue, stop converting/saving to Bitmap file formats if you don't like to have jagged lines.
First, understand that a Bitmap image is built, created by small pixels, square shaped. Like an even sized rectangle.
Second, a vector image is built, created by a straight or curved line between at least two anchor points = nodes. Like a rope you tie on your boat if you have one, and the harbor.
There is no jagged lines created in vector images. You can make them look jagged, but they are not. They are straight or curved.
So, any kind of image you create in let say Photo-Paint or photoshop, Affinity or Gimp programs, are by default pixels built images = Bitmap.
Photo-Paint file format CPT, jpeg, Psd, gif, PNG, tiff for example, are all Bitmap images.
So if you create an image in coreldraw to get straight lines, the last thing you want, is to export/save it as a jpeg. Like you said you did.
So, instead, look at your vector image in CorelDRAW. Also, in the Object Manager Docker, remove any layer that may be a bitmap layer = your old image made in Photo-Paint. If still looking jagged, look at the lines you think look jagged. Select the Shape tool while selecting the line in question, or entire image. You will probably notice many anchor points. You now have several options, tools and features to reduce, smooth or simple delete one by one, or many in one go.
Tools to quickly start reducing anchor points, I suggest start looking at: Go to the Toolbox in CorelDRAW. Look for the smooth toolS. And the mentioned Shape tool, select anchor points with shape tool, and delete with delete button on the keyboard. You can also select image and use the reduce nodes =anchor points, in the property bar.
toolsinbox said:I have to say it really looks great except when I zoom it out to the approximate size I will need it, some of the angled lines get jaged. I exported the image to JPEG and the same thing.
Check resolution of the image, and also try to print a sample. Sometimes it's just on screen