Blend question

Hello All,

I have an arc shape that I'm trying to fill with a gradient-type blend where it will be 0% spot on the lower left side gradually going around to 100% spot on the lower right side. The example I have attached shows the shape on the left with a conical fountain just to give an idea of something close, but it won't actually work for my shape. I also attached a cdr X5 file which contains a blend I was working on, but can't seem to get it to work (that is the shape on the right). I tried cutting it in half which helps, but I still can't get it.

If anyone has time to take a peek I'd be very grateful

Thanks Much!


  • Oops, I didn't know you could only upload 1 image at a time.

    Attached is the jpg with the example



  • joan said:
    f anyone has time to take a peek I'd be very grateful

    Hi Joan, is this what you mean? See attached.

    • oh WOW!! You're a genius!
      I see you changed the strokes from .5 to 2 pt, the steps to 300, and
      unchecked "Blend along full path." I noticed when I turn that back on,
      nothing changes in your blend.
      Is there anything else you did, like maybe mapping different nodes or

      Thank you so much for your time and expertise!!!

      SignDog wrote:
      > *joan:*
      > f anyone has time to take a peek I'd be very grateful
      > Hi Joan, is this what you mean? See attached.
      > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      • joan said:
        s there anything else you did, like maybe mapping different nodes or


        "New Path" under Path Properties

        "Rotate all Objects" under More Blend Options. Wink




        • Hi.

          Here's a cool way to do it with macros and have a uniform colored shapes blend.

          Use this small macro to change stacking order of shapes. Just run and hover mouse over shapes. While hovering each shapes that the mouse cursor is above will have it's stacking order moved to the front. I'm sure many of you can find many other uses for this part.

          Hover Stacking order macro:

          Option Explicit
          Private Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
          Public Type lpPoint
              X As Long
              Y As Long
          End Type
          Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
          Public Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByRef pos As lpPoint) As Boolean

          Sub hoverStack()
          Dim s As Shape
          Dim p As lpPoint
          Dim X As Double, Y As Double
          Dim curX As Double, curY As Double

              Do While GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyEscape) = 0
                  GetCursorPos p
                  ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ScreenToDocument p.X, p.Y, X, Y
                  If curX <> X Or curY <> Y Then
                      Set s = ActivePage.SelectShapesAtPoint(X, Y, True)
                      If s.Shapes.count > 0 Then
                      End If
                  End If
          End Sub

          Then use the GDG Color Blender macro and set it to blend the shapes fill AND outline colors by the stacking order. Easy Peasy!


          See video!

          • RunFlaCruiser said:
            Here's a cool way to do it with macros and have a uniform colored shapes blend.

            Man that's hectic ... I'm just a simple dude!

            • Wow, that's impressive John!


              Cruiser1 wrote:
              > Hi.
              > Here's a cool way to do it with macros and have a uniform colored shapes
              > blend.
              > Use this small macro to change stacking order of shapes. Just run and
              > hover mouse over shapes. While hovering each shapes that the mouse
              > cursor is above will have it's stacking order moved to the front. I'm
              > sure many of you can find many other uses for this part.
              > Hover Stacking order macro:
              > /Option Explicit
              > Private Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long)
              > As Long
              > Public Type lpPoint
              > X As Long
              > Y As Long
              > End Type
              > Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As
              > Integer
              > Public Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByRef pos As lpPoint)
              > As Boolean
              > Sub hoverStack()
              > Dim s As Shape
              > Dim p As lpPoint
              > Dim X As Double, Y As Double
              > Dim curX As Double, curY As Double
              > Do While GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyEscape) = 0
              > DoEvents
              > GetCursorPos p
              > ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ScreenToDocument p.X, p.Y, X, Y
              > If curX <> X Or curY <> Y Then
              > Set s = ActivePage.SelectShapesAtPoint(X, Y, True)
              > If s.Shapes.count > 0 Then
              > s.Shapes(1).OrderToFront
              > End If
              > ActiveDocument.ClearSelection
              > End If
              > Loop
              > End Sub/
              > Then use the GDG Color Blender
              > macro and set it to
              > blend the shapes fill AND outline colors by the stacking order. Easy Peasy!
              > ~John
              > See video!
              > (Please visit the site to view this media)
              > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              > /"The best thing about learning is that it never stops, and the rabbit
              > hole will go as deep as you let it."/
              > ~John
              > ------------------------------------------------------------------------