Blend Tool

I attempted to create a simple stainless steel post vector shape.

First I created the shape of the post with black outline, next I created a inner contour with white outline, then I blend them together expecting a nice blend, but what I got is like this:

  • It is quite possible that some of the nods are not merged together as they should be. Sometimes, when object is complexed, that can happen. Nod merge with some distanced nod instead with the first one to him...

    • Weird. I tried to reproduce the issue and preparing the cdr file, this time it turns out nicely.....

      • I had a problem not being able to move groups around in the layers... and I attached a file, and tried openning the file, and it worked!

        It seems that there's something happening that's different when a Draw file is made as compared to reopenned.

        Maybe try redoing the shape from scratch in a new file that you create brand new inside Draw.  Maybe the problem is reproducible that way?

    • is it possible to attach the cdr file?